Yes, orthodontic treatment is truly worth the time, money & effort

My favorite part of what I do is sitting down with patients at the end of treatment to review their before and after pictures.  And I've never had a patient regret their investment of time, money, and life energy in achieving a great smile and balanced bite.

Like it or not, numerous studies show that people with straight teeth are judged to be more attractive, intelligent, happy, and successful than those with unsightly smiles.  Studies also show that not only do we smile because we are happy, but we can also become happier because we smile!  So if you cannot smile confidently, perhaps you are not as happy or successful as you could be.  (Check out this great TED talk for more info.) I see so many patients of all ages who suffer low self-esteem because of their teeth. It’s always amazing to me to see how much more they smile and their eyes sparkle after we start treatment to fix their teeth.

Scientists suggest that we are hardwired to judge each others’ smiles because our teeth are indicators of overall health, and are therefore an important factor in choosing a future mate.  When I got my CBCT, it became crystal clear to me that, while there are genetic reasons for crooked teeth and unsightly smiles, many times the development of crooked and/or poorly fitting teeth is related to poor airway. And a poor airway can lead to significant health problems such as cardiovascular disease and even diabetes. Humans mate for life, and traditional marriage vows include “for better or for worse, in sickness and in health.” In choosing our mate, we want them to be around with us for a while.

As an orthodontist, I can tell you that 99% of the time, a healthy and functional bite is also aesthetically pleasing. I have, though, seen some smiles that look good due to cosmetic treatments but the underlying structure has never been treated. In orthodontics, we fix the foundation and stabilize the structure, then let the dentist finalize any facade issues.

There are numerous benefits when your teeth are aligned relative to each other and relative to the jaws, and when they fit and function properly:

  • They are easier to keep clean (and therefore, free from cavities and gum disease). This can decrease your risk of developing a host of overall health problems that are linked to gum disease.

  • They help you chew your food better, speak more clearly, and seal your lips around your teeth. When your teeth project too far and your lips struggle to seal around them, they are more likely to be damaged in accidents.

  • They help prevent abnormal stresses and excessive wear & tear on your jaws, tooth enamel, gum attachment, and root surfaces.

  • Straight teeth provide more mouth space for your tongue than crowded teeth, which can keep your tongue from taking up some of the airway space in your oropharynx.

I see many adults who seek orthodontic treatment because they have begun to experience some of the long-term side effects of a bad bite.  Malocclusion (improperly fitting teeth) is a “disease of civilization” that is increasingly causing problems for adults.  Thankfully, we are living longer and keeping our teeth longer than ever before.  But eventually, an uneven bite (and/or too much pressure on the teeth from bruxing and grinding) will lead to one or more of these problems, depending on the patient’s weakest system:

  • worn down, chipped, or broken teeth (and repetitive failure of dental restorations)

  • broken down bone and/or gum tissue supporting the teeth

  • root surfaces that become exposed by receding gum tissue and wear away excessively

  • painful jaw joints and/or facial muscles

These issues may take decades to appear, but for many people, they become a problem that affects their quality of life and requires extensive (and costly) dental care to treat.

So invest in yourself to enjoy the benefits now and head off bigger problems in the future!


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